Accounting & GST
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
General Ledger
Acct Schedules
Financial Statement
PDF format Fin Stat
XBRL Fin Stat Filing
Director’s Statement
Updated Acctg Stds
Income Tax
Est. Chg Income
Tax Computation
Form C/C-S
A.I.S / IR8A sub
Company Secretary
Director’s Resolutions
Statutory Registers
Annual Return filing
Secure Your Financial World with Benevolent Business Services.

Incorporation of Private Limited Company (Pte. Ltd.) is the most popular type of request in Singapore. It can be done by us within 24 hours, at only S$615 nett, including incorporation service, services for opening bank account, CPF, MOM, and Corpass accounts, and Fee of S$315 on behalf of ACRA.

Accounting & Tax
Our accountants are board certified with ACCA, Association of International Accountants and Company Accountants, Singapore, and stay current with continuous certifications and seminars to ensure we are up-to-date on all of the newest information, laws, regulations, and techniques in our field.

Secretarial Services
Our company secretaries are qualified individuals (QI) of registered filing agent (RFA) and provide necessary compliance services with ACRA, including: KYC/AML, director’s resolutions, AGM preparing, annual return filing and others. One year service fee is only S$360 nett, including AR filing fee S$60 on behalf of ACRA.