Advantages of Incorporating a Private Limited Company in Singapore

Advantages of Incorporating a Private Limited Company in Singapore 在新加坡成立私人有限公司的好处

A properly structured Singapore Company (Pte Ltd/Private Limited) is an excellent, tax efficient corporate conduit, through which international business can be conducted, with the following benefits: 一个结构合理的新加坡公司(私人有限公司)是一个优秀的,税务效率高的公司渠道,通过它可以进行国际业务,有以下好处:

Reputation and Credibility 声誉和信誉

Any Singapore incorporated company has excellent credibility and international status, thanks to Singapore’s prestigious national branding. This lays an outstanding foundation for promotion of your company to customers, suppliers and investors and opens doors to business alliance opportunities. 任何一家新加坡注册公司都拥有良好的信誉和国际地位,这得益于新加坡著名的国家品牌。这为您的公司向客户、供应商和投资者进行推广奠定了良好的基础,并为商业联盟打开了大门。

Such an incorporation is perceived to have long range plans for your business and would increase your profits and ability to expand. It will not be perceived as an ‘Offshore Company’ in a ‘Tax Haven’. It is a legitimate corporate vehicle domiciled in a reputable, politically stable, international trading jurisdiction that has a complex infrastructure and a well-regulated economy. 这样的公司被认为对你的业务有长远的计划,会增加你的利润和扩展能力。它不会被视为“避税天堂”中的“离岸公司”。它是一家合法的公司,总部设在一个声誉良好、政治稳定、国际贸易管辖区,拥有复杂的基础设施和规范的经济。

Banking advantages 银行的优势

A Singapore company’s ‘above board’ reputation facilitates hassle-free opening of corporate bank accounts in Singapore, and all over the world. Additionally, Singapore banks offer excellent Letters of Credit (LC) support to Singapore companies engaging in international trading. 新加坡公司的“光明磊落”的声誉有助于在新加坡乃至世界各地轻松开设企业银行账户。此外,新加坡的银行为从事国际贸易的新加坡公司提供优秀的信用证支持。

Tax Benefits 税收优惠

Newly incorporated companies which are tax residents in Singapore (excluding investment holding companies) enjoy tax exemption for the first 3 years from the date of incorporation. For detailed information please refer to IRAS Corporate tax rates. 新成立的公司是新加坡的税务居民(不包括投资控股公司),自成立之日起前3年享受免税待遇。有关详细信息,请参阅IRAS公司税率。

Legal Tax Minimization – International profits earned and kept offshore are not subject to local tax, provided certain conditions are met. Thus, a properly structured Singapore company can be a suitable entity for managing corporate taxation legally. 法律税收最小化——在满足某些条件的情况下,在海外赚取和保留的国际利润不受当地税收的影响。因此,一家结构合理的新加坡公司可以成为合法管理公司税收的合适实体。

Singapore has formed Double Taxation Agreements, Limited Treaties, and EOI arrangements with a wide network of countries, including powerful economic nations such as the US, China, Japan, UK, Canada, France and Germany. The IRAS website provides a comprehensive list and details. 新加坡已与包括美国、中国、日本、英国、加拿大、法国和德国等经济强国在内的众多国家签订了双重征税协定、限制性条约和意向书安排。IRAS网站提供了一个全面的列表和详细信息。

Simple tax filing – Companies are required to file an Estimate of Chargeable Income(ECI) within 3 months from Financial Year End (FYE), and Final tax returns FORM C/C-S, to be filed only by 30th November of the following calendar year. 简单纳税申报-公司必须在财政年度结束(FYE)后3个月内提交应课税收入(ECI)估算,并在下一个日历年的11月30日前提交最终纳税申报表C/C-S。

Swift and Simple Incorporation Process 快速和简单的成立过程

A Singapore company can be incorporated within 24 hours. It may very rarely take upto 3 weeks (if the company has foreign shareholding) and pending on proposed company name availability and compliance checks. 新加坡公司可以在24小时内注册成立。它可能很少需要长达3周的时间(如果公司持有外国股份),并等待拟议的公司名称可用性和合规检查。

In accordance with the Singapore Companies Act, the only requirements to incorporate a Singapore company is that the company has at least one local director (Singaporean Citizen, Permanent Resident or EntrePass Holder) and a local company secretary, of at least 18 years in age without prior bankruptcy record. (Conveniently, a local Director may also double as the company secretary). 根据《新加坡公司法》,成立新加坡公司的唯一要求是,公司至少有一名当地董事(新加坡公民、永久居民或创业证持有人)和一名当地公司秘书,年龄至少18岁,没有之前的破产记录。(本地董事也可以兼任公司秘书,这很方便)。

Singapore companies (with majority Singapore-based shareholding) are also eligible for a host of various Government grants available for assistance in branding, IT consultancy and systems improvement. 新加坡公司(在新加坡拥有多数股权)也有资格获得一系列政府资助,用于品牌推广、IT咨询和系统改进。

Limited Personal Liability 有限的个人责任

A Private Limited Company is a legal entity which the business is operated from. This means that it is the company that enters into a business transaction and is responsible for the outcome – not the shareholders and/or company officers. In case of a lawsuit or judgment against your business, no one can seize your personal assets, your home, cash, bank accounts etc. As a shareholder of the company, your exposure to loss is limited to the amount of your issued and paid-up capital in the company. 私人有限公司是经营业务的法人实体。这意味着参与商业交易并对交易结果负责的是公司,而不是股东和/或公司管理人员。一旦你的公司被起诉或判决,没有人可以没收你的个人资产、房子、现金、银行账户等。作为公司股东,你在公司的风险敞口仅限于你在公司的已发行和实收资本。

Centralised location in Asia Region 集中于亚洲地区

For the last three decades, Singapore has been at the heart of the Asian economic boom, maintaining a stable and viable economy. Centrally located, with a harmonious blend of cultures, Singapore is the ideal place for foreigners to forge a foothold in Asia and form a bridge between the east and west. 在过去的三十年里,新加坡一直处于亚洲经济繁荣的中心,保持着稳定和可行的经济。新加坡地理位置优越,文化和谐交融,是外国人在亚洲立足、连接东西方的理想之地。

Logistically, Singapore is also one of the best locations for regional business travel, with Changi Airport renowned worldwide for its efficiency and frequency of flights. 在物流方面,新加坡也是地区商务旅行的最佳地点之一,樟宜机场以其高效和频繁的航班闻名于世。

Transparent Compliance Requirements 透明的法规遵循需求

Annual Accounts* must be prepared and submitted to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). 必须编制年度账目*并提交给新加坡税务局(IRAS)。

Financial year end (FYE) must be set within 12 months from date of incorporation. You may wish to consult us about setting the FYE date, to maximise your tax exemption benefits. 财务年度结束(FYE)必须在公司成立之日起12个月内设定。您可以咨询我们关于设置FYE日期,以最大化您的免税优惠。

Audit exemption is applicable to Small Companies with effect from 1 July 2015 as per Singapore Companies Amendment Act 2014, if they meet certain criteria. 根据《2014年新加坡公司修正案》(Singapore Companies Amendment Act 2014),从2015年7月1日起,符合一定标准的小公司适用审计豁免。

AGM must be held within 6 months of Financial year End (FYE), and Annual Returns must be filed with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) with 7 months of FYE 年度股东大会必须在财政年度结束(FYE)后6个月内举行,年度申报表必须在财政年度结束后7个月内提交给会计和公司监管局(ACRA)

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