Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Return (AR) Filing with ACRA 年度股东大会(AGM)和周年申报表(AR)提交给新加坡会计和公司监管局
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 年度股东大会
The Singapore Companies Act requires companies to hold Annual General Meetings (AGM) of their shareholders unless the company has chosen not to hold AGMs by passing a shareholders resolution. If the company chooses not to hold AGM, all matters which are to be dealt with at the AGM can be settled through the passing of written resolutions. 新加坡公司法规定,除非公司通过股东决议决定不举行股东年会,否则公司必须召开股东年会。如果公司选择不举行股东年会,所有在股东年会要处理的问题都可以通过书面决议来解决。
What is an AGM? 什么是年度股东大会?
An AGM is a shareholders’ meeting every calendar year at specified intervals. This meeting gives the company’s shareholders the right to participate in certain decisions of the company which requires their approval. One of the primary purposes of the AGM is to consider the company’s financial statements, which shareholders must approve on the basis of simple majority. 年度股东大会是指在每个日历年的特定时间间隔召开的股东大会。股东大会赋予公司股东参与公司某些决策的权利,这些决策需要股东的批准。年度股东大会的主要目的之一是审议公司的财务报表,股东必须在简单多数的基础上批准这些报表。
Annual Return (AR) Filing with ACRA 向新加坡会计和公司监管局提交周年申报表(AR)
ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore) is a government body that oversees and enforces company regulations in Singapore. The Singapore Companies Act requires all companies to file an Annual Return with ACRA within 30 days of holding an AGM. The Annual Return is filed using BizFile, ACRA’s online filing system. ACRA(新加坡会计和公司监管局)是一个监督和执行新加坡公司法规的政府机构。新加坡公司法要求所有公司在举行年度股东大会后30天内向ACRA提交周年申请表。周年申请表是使用ACRA的在线文件系统BizFile提交的。
What is an Annual Return? 什么是周年申报表?
An Annual Return is a set of documents containing up-to-date information on: 周年申报表是一套载有下列最新资料的文件:
- Company name and registration number 公司名称及登记号码
- Principal activities 主要活动
- Registered office address 注册办公地址
- Details of company officers (directors, secretary) 公司高级职员(董事、秘书)资料
- Shareholder details, share capital, etc. 股东资料、股本等。
- Annual financial statements 年度财务报表
Timeline for holding AGMs and filing of annual returns 举行年度股东大会及提交周年申报表的时间表
For Companies with FYE ending on or after 31 Aug 2018 适用于2018年8月31日或之后财务年尾的公司
Holding of AGMs 举行年度股东大会
For listed companies: 上市公司:
Hold AGM within 4 months after FYE 在财务年尾后4个月内举行年度股东大会
For any other company: 任何其它公司:
Hold AGM within 6 months after FYE 在财务年尾后6个月内举行年度股东大会
Filing of Annual Returns 提交周年申报表
For companies having a share capital and keeping a branch register outside Singapore: 有股本及在新加坡境外设有分公司的公司:
- File annual returns within 6 months (if listed) or 8 months (if not listed) after FYE 在财务年尾后6个月内(如已上市)或8个月内(如未上市)提交年度申报表
For other companies: 其它公司:
- File annual returns within 5 months (if listed) or 7 months (if not listed) after FYE 在财务年尾后5个月内(如已上市)或7个月内(如未上市)提交年度申报表
Annual return can be filed only: 周年申报表只可在以下时段提交:
- after an AGM has been held; 年度股东大会召开后;
- after financial statements are sent if company need not hold AGM; or 公司发出财务报表后,不需要举行年度股东大会的;或
- after FYE for private dormant relevant company that is exempted from preparing financial statements. 财务年尾后为私有不活动的相关公司,免予编制财务报表。