Company Incorporation Services Singapore

Company Incorporation Services Singapore 新加坡公司注册服务

Singapore company registration process usually finishes within a day. Sometimes it takes 14 days to 2 months for applications which need a reference from other agencies for approval or review. 新加坡公司注册程序通常在一天内完成。有些申请需要其他机构的推荐信来审批,有时需要14天到2个月的时间。

Company Name 公司名称

You can choose to reserve a name first and then register the company later or do the name application and registration at one go. 您可以选择先保留一个名字,然后注册公司,或者一次性申请和注册。

Directors 董事

For Singapore company registration, a company must have at least one resident director in Singapore. This person can be a Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident, Dependent Pass holder or an EntrePass holder. Subject to laws and regulations on employment of foreign manpower, an Employment Pass holder may be accepted as a director. 对于新加坡公司注册,公司必须在新加坡有至少一名常驻董事。这个人可以是新加坡公民,新加坡永久居民,家属准证持有人或创业准证持有人。根据雇用外国劳工的法例及规例,持有雇佣证的人士可获接纳为董事。

The director of the company must be at least 18 years of age. Directors cannot be bankrupts or persons convicted of dishonesty. 公司董事必须年满18岁。董事不能因不诚实行为而破产或被定罪。

Shareholders 股东

A private company can have a maximum number of shareholders limited to 50. An Exempt Private Company (EPC) is a private company that has at most 20 shareholders and none of the shareholders is a corporation. At least there must be one shareholder (either a corporate body or an individual). 100% foreign ownership is allowed. 一家私营公司的股东人数上限为50人。一家被豁免的私营公司(EPC)是一个拥有最多20名股东的私营公司,没有任何一个股东是公司。至少必须有一个股东(法人或个人)。100%的外资所有权是允许的。

Company Secretary 公司秘书

Every company should appoint a secretary within 6 months from the date of its incorporation. 每个公司应在成立之日起计六个月内委任一名秘书。

The company secretary must reside locally in Singapore and he/she must not be the sole director of the company. 公司秘书必须在新加坡本地居住,他/她不能是公司的唯一董事。

Paid-up Capital 实收资本

Amount of issued capital is the total amount that shareholders have paid for their shares. The minimum issued capital must be at least S$1. However, there is no minimum paid up capital required. 已发行股本是股东为其股份支付的总金额。最低发行资本必须至少为1新元。然而,没有最低支付资本要求。

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